Ka Ming Yuen, a martial arts teacher in Sydney, Australia, has suggested some ways to stay grounded or find stillness amidst the busyness of life:
Conscious Relaxation Practice
Building awareness in the body
Consciously releasing tension and creating an open state in the body
Working with recognising and releasing habit patterns in the body and the mind.
Personally, I use the internal Wing Chun method as taught by the late Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin.)
Meditation Practice
Daily observation, acceptance and letting go of sensations in the body or thoughts and emotions in the mind
Personally, I use the Vipassana method, two hours daily.
Mindset Practice
Always in a state of learning
Being as open as possible
Avoiding intoxicants as much as possible
Speaking the truth, and being conscious of my thoughts and my language
Episode 3 is available on Spotify, Amazon, and Apple Podcasts.